The Final Choice – Chapter 6

Task 1:

List some of the problems the men face trying to get down the mountain. Include quotations from the text (pages 85-94) to support these ideas.

A storm starts to pick up, lowering their visibility, affecting their ability to effectively communicate and increasing the wind chill factor, which is effecting both of them with the symptoms of frostbite, their hands cramping up and having close to no movement in their fingers. With Joe’s broken leg they are having to use a system, while efficient, is slower then they would have liked and both of the men are beginning to feel the effects of dehydration, which is leaving them more open to making mistakes, as neither one of them has the ability to react quickly or think fast.

Task 2:

How does Joe, recreate the tension felt when he is lowered over the cliff “into the void”? Consider any structural (syntax), language or narrative techniques he uses to recreate the intensity of this experience. (pages 94-96)

When Joe was being lowered ‘into the void’ he would have been feeling immense amounts of anxiety and stress. A technique Joe uses to recreate that feeling in his writing is by using short and sharp sentence/minor sentences and simple sentences. “I looked back at the edge above. There was no hope of Simon hauling me up.” ,  “A hundred feet? Fifty? I had no idea. Each lowering became timeless”This kind of writing gives a feeling of urgency, or danger, to the text and give us a small insight to what Joe was feeling when this was happening to him.

Task 3:

Read through “Simon’s narration” describing this event. List significant details from this account which may support Simon’s decision to “cut the rope.” Why is it important that Simon’s perspective is included in this section of the text?

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